BOYD BACHMANN, Die Omama aus Omaha, 1970

By 1970 Boyd Bachmann, the handsome former Danish king of swing, had fully transformed into a wacky old comedian. He even appeared in a major advertising campaign in movie theatres, selling Langnese ice cream. A picture of him holding a Langnese ice cream box miraculosly even made it onto this record sleeve.

Omama aus Omaha (The grandma from Omaha) is counting all the things that were bought from the inheritance of the grandma from Omaha in the U.S.Ahhh.: Bubblegum, a blue whig, a musical clock, a Mickey Mouse, a lady´s Colt with a handle made of gold, a cowboy hat made in Hollywood and a motor-driven Whiskey bottle opener:

BOYD BACHMANN, Die Omama aus Omaha, 1970

Willst Du, oder willst Du nicht? is another suggestive song. Do you want or not?, Boyd is innocently asking, but then answers himself: whatever you like, I´ll have ice cream. But at night I´ll be a torero, a Pied Piper, a balladeer, a Mexican or an Indian. In your dreams…

BOYD BACHMANN, Willst Du, oder willst Du nicht?, 1970