Musikalisches Souvenir aus Georgien

Found this flexi-disc last week, while on a trip to Tbilisi, Georgia, together with the staff of Jungle World. Our special Georgia issue hit the newsstands today. I turned out great! Thanks Jungle World for always taking me with you.

I bought about twenty Russian flexi-discs at Dry Bridge fleamarket, but only got to hear them when I came back home to Berlin. Imagine my surprise, when I suddenly heard a German voice on this record…

Musikalisches Souvenir aus Georgien

Apparently, this was a souvenir record geared at German visitors to Georgia in the 1970s. I think there is also a English version of it. The very thin blue russian Melodija Flexi has two songs. The first is by Georgian vocal instrumental ensemble Orera. Along with Dielo, Orera were the most famous pop groups of Georgia during the Soviet era. I guess the vocalist is Nani Brevadze. I have no clue yet, who performs the second song or what the name of the song is.




4 Comments on “Musikalisches Souvenir aus Georgien”

  1. John Mclaughlin says:

    Always enjoy your posts Andreas!

  2. mischalke04 says:


  3. Stas says:

    Hi Andreas! Is this flexi one-sided or two-sided?
    The second song is from the movie called “Tamriko’s kidnapping” sung by a trio from the Georgian Polytechnical Institute. It’s in Georgian, of course (while the first song, “Song about Tbilisi” in in Georgian and Russian. And you are right, the vocalist is Nani Bregvadze)

    It’s amazing how you managed to find it – it is a rarity. There exists a series of similar records with the same picture cover, but no idea if this specifically exists in English or other language.

    These ones all have different songs but were all released in 1972 by Tbilisi record plant

  4. mischalke04 says:

    Thanks for all this information, especially the bit about the film! The flexi-disc is indeed one-sided. The film მოიტაცეს თამარ ქალი has lots of songs. Haven´t found this particular one in it yet, but I should cut out the segment and post it too.

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