THE PERFID´S, Radio Continental, 1982

When I started this blog three years ago my ambition was to explore new territory and to only “publish” material that has never entered the digital world. As much as I like the cool music of fabulous record labels like Bear FamilyCharly and Ace,  it would be pointless to try to find obscure stuff in their field. They and many other re-issue labels went out of their way to re-discover lost music  in the 70´s and 80´s.  Posting (“re-releasing”) music that they re-discovered 30 years ago didn´t pose a challenge,  so my focus was on material that is still too bad or strange to ever be considered for re-release by a proper record label. Music that seems to have no commercial value today: private pressings, advertisement records or just plain weird stuff. Mostly no rockabilly, rock´n´roll, garage or soul music. No cult stuff.

Over time I have gotten less strict about my posting policies because I felt that maybe people would like to listen to more “good” music and also posted  single songs (albeit digitized from my original 45´s) that had previously been re-released. Basically I turned into a DJ again, something I wanted to get away from when I started this blog.

I also got softer,  because nobody else seems to care about any kind of “music blogging ethics” anyway. Blogs are the new Napster and I´m in the same boat if I like it or not. Posting material that I do not hold a copyright of, no matter how obscure it might be,  is just as illegal as posting a brand new CD.

Still so far I have only gotten supportive feedback from people involved with some of the records I posted. Some even said, that they´re glad I did, because they never had a digital version of their music. A lot of artist don´t hold the copyrights to their own music anyway and are simply glad that somebody cares enough to put it out there. Unless  they were cult artists or played a cult style a re-release of their music is very unlikely. I don´t really care about the legal issues, but  to make it a little more exciting for me again and to  get a better conscience about blogging,  I will return to my initial restrictive guidelines. So expect a lot of bad records to be coming in the future…

This private pressing of the Perfid´s from Zürich, Switzerland is one such record that has never been re-released. It most probably would have,  if it was in a cult style like punk or metal, but it is neither and both. Not metal enough to be metal and not punk enough to be punk. That said, it´s not a bad record at all, in fact I like it a lot. The cool thing is that they sing in a Swiss dialect that I can only understand partially, like the intro to their theme song that states that they started the group in January 1981. Besides that,  I don´t know anything about this group simply because there is nothing to be found about them on the internet. Check for yourself:  if you´ll search for them, you´ll find this post.

THE PERFID´S, Radio Continental, 1982

THE PERFID´S, Sackgass, 1982

THE PERFID´S, Perfid´s, 1982